सभी श्रेणियाँ
Customized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processingCustomized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processingCustomized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processingCustomized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processingCustomized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processingCustomized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processing
Customized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processing
Customized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processing
Customized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processing
Customized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processing
Customized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processing
Customized PVC soft rubber key straps, front and back sides can be customized with LOGO text design and pattern processing

अनुकूलित पीवीसी नरम रबर कुंजी पट्टियाँ, सामने और पीछे की तरफ लोगो पाठ डिजाइन और पैटर्न प्रसंस्करण के साथ अनुकूलित किया जा सकता है

  • विहंगावलोकन
  • संबंधित उत्पादों
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-55
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-56
प्रोडक्ट का नाम
पीवीसी चाबी का गुच्छा का पट्टा
पीवीसी + सिलिकॉन + एबीएस
इंजेक्शन मोल्डिंग
किसी भी रंग पैनटोन रंग उपलब्ध है
आकार वाला
ग्राहक अनुकूलन
गैर विषैले, बिना गंध और पर्यावरण के अनुकूलटिकाऊ, रंगीन
स्मारिका, पदोन्नति, विज्ञापन, खुदरा
झपट लेना
(1)छोटी मात्रा के लिए, डीएचएल/फेडेक्स/यूपीएस/टीएनटी द्वारा वितरित करें, एक्सप्रेस शुल्क खरीदार द्वारा वहन किया जाएगा। (2) बड़ी मात्रा के लिए, समुद्र के द्वारा वितरित
शेन्ज़ेन पोर्टा
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-57
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-58
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-59
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-60
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-61
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-62
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-63
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-64
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-65
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-66
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-67
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-68
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-69
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-70
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-71
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-72
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-73
product customized pvc soft rubber key straps front and back sides can be customized with logo text design and pattern processing549-74
अनुशंसित उत्पाद

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